Ministries, Committees & Organizations


  • Adult Server Ministry - Deb Reinhart
  • Altar Server Ministry - 
  • Art & Environment Ministry - Mary Lamontagne
  • Audio Visual Ministry - AV Ministers provide quality control of sound and display visual aids for the assembly. Ministry co-ordinator - Peter Nobel
  • Bereavement (Funeral Lunch Ministry) - Prepare food & beverages to be served at funeral lunches. Ministry co-ordinator - Deb Reinhart
  • Ecumenical & Interfaith - Jeannette Austin-Odina
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - serve those assembled at Mass by aiding in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. They are called, as is the entire assembly, to full, conscious, active participation in the Eucharistic celebration. Ministry co-ordinator - Brenda Weidman
  • Lector Ministry - Lectors serve those assembled at Mass by proclaiming Sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word.
  • Library Ministry -
  • Marriage Preparation - visit
  • Music Ministry -
  • Pastoral Care Ministry -
  • RCIA -
  • Sacramental Preparation -
  • Sacristans - Parish Office


  • Finance Committee - Larry Brownoff
  • Liturgy Committee - Mary Hunt
  • Parish Pastoral Council Committee - Fr. Leo
  • Social Justice Committee - Jeannette Austin-Odina



  • Catholic Women's League Organization - Doris Sherwin
  • Knights of Columbus Organization - Dave Kastelic
  •  Legion of Mary Organization- Patricia Metselaar
  • Senior Citizens Society - Bernie Borlee & Ray Borlee
  • St. Vincent de Paul Society - Kim McLennon-Robbins

Those interested in joining a Ministry at Good Shepherd Parish will be asked if they have celebrated the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church. If married they will be asked the name of the Church of marriage. Those who are civilly married or in a common law relationship will be encouraged to meet with Father for information about getting married or bring their marriage into the Roman Catholic Church. If you are interested in joining a ministry or would like more information about Ministries at Good Shepherd Parish please call Veronica at 780-487-7765, or fill the Preliminary Form (here) and send to